Joseph Addison Sewall Award, University of Colorado
For exceptional contributions of leadership and vision to the Anschutz Medical Campus
Chancellor’s Teaching Recognition Award, University of Colorado
Excellence in teaching
Osage Orange Distinguished Physician Walking Stick Award for service to rural medical education, University of Colorado
Rural medical education
Erin E. Sullivan, PhD, Benjamin Anderson, MBA, Mark Deutchman, MD
Leader Report
Erin E. Sullivan, PhD, Benjamin Anderson, MBA, Mark Deutchman, MD
Site Report
Henderson-Frost J, Deutchman M. Eight Ways to Mitigate US Rural Health Inequity. AMA J Ethics. 2022 Jan 1;24(1):E73-79. doi: 10.1001/amajethics.2022.73. PMID: 35133731.
Gill SA, Quinonez RB, Deutchman M, Conklin CE, Rizzolo D, Rabago D, Haidet P & Silk H (2022) Integrating Oral Health into Health Professions School Curricula, Medical Education Online, 27:1, DOI: 10.1080/10872981.2022.2090308
National Institutes of Health. Oral Health in America: Advances and Challenges. Bethesda, MD: US Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, 2021.
Deutchman M, Macaluso F, Bray E, Evans D, Boulger J, Quinn K, Pierce C, Onello E, Porter M, Warren W, Erickson J, Bright P, Maness P, Luke S, James K. The Impact of Family Physicians in Rural Maternity Care. Birth. 2021;00:1–13. DOI: 10.1111/birt.12591
Boynes SG, Krol, DM, Deutchman M. Shared Approach to Oral-Systemic Health. Decisions in Dentistry November 12, 2021
Mark Deutchman, MD; Francesca Macaluso, MPH; Jason Chao, MD; Christopher Duffrin, PhD;
Karim Hanna, MD; Daniel M. Avery, Jr, MD; Emily Onello, MD; Kathleen Quinn, PhD;
Mary Tabor Griswold, PhD; Mustafa Alavi, MD; James Boulger, PhD; Patrick Bright, MA;
Benjamin Schneider, MD; Jana Porter, MS; Shanon Luke, MS; James Durham, MS;
Memoona Hasnain, MD, PhD, MHPE; Katherine A. James, PhD, MS, MSPH
Contributions of US Medical Schools
to Primary Care (2003-2014):
Determining and Predicting Who
Really Goes Into Primary Care
(Fam Med. 2020;52(7):483-90.)
doi: 10.22454/FamMed.2020.785068
Shen-Wagner J, Deutchman M. Point-of-Care Ultrasound: A Practical Guide for Primary Care.. Family Practice Management November/December 2020 pp 33-40
First Trimester Pregnancy Complications in AAFP Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics course
Labor and Delivery Ultrasound in AAFP Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics course
Smiles for Life National Oral Health Curriculum: Course #7, The Oral Examination
Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics. Chapter A: First Trimester Pregnancy Complications
Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics, Chapter O: Diagnostic Ultrasound in Labor and Delivery
Deutchman M. Integrating Oral Health into Rural Primary Care - The What and the Why.
Journal of Rural Health 33 (2017) 406-8
Boynes SG, Lauer A, Deutchman M, Martin AB. An Assessment of Particpant-Described Interprofessional Oral Health Referral Systems Across Rurality. Journal of Rural Health 33(2017) 427-437
American Academy of Family Physicians, Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics. Chapter on Labor and Delivery Ultrasound
Dresang. LT, González, MMA, Beasley J, Bustillo MC, Damos, J, Deutchman M, Evensen A, González de Ancheta N, Rojas-Suarez JA, Schwartz J, Sorensen BL, Winslow D, Leeman L. The impact of Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO) training in low-resource countries. Int. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 2015 Aug 4. pii: S0020-7292(15)00452-X. doi: 10.1016/j.ijgo.2015.05.015
Ahn J, Kendall J, Browne V, Deutchman M, French A, Thiessen M, Madigosky W, Guiton G, Using Ultrasound to Enhance Medical Students’ femoral vascular physical exam skills. J. Ultrasound Med 2015;34(10):1771-1776
Silk H, Deutchman M. Offering Oral Health Services in Your Office. Family Practice Management July/August 2014; pages 21-24
Johnson A, Meeuwsen A, Khodaee Morteza, Deutchman M. True Umbilical Cord Knot: Case Series and Clinical Implications Journal of Family Practice 2014;63(11), 670-672
Deutchman M. Report on Study of Rural Tracks in U.S. Medical Schools. Rural Medical Educator's Meeting, Rockford, IL. 2/19/2013
Deutchman M. Oral Health in Primary Care. National Medical Home Summit. Philadelphia, PA. 3/15/2013
Deutchman M, Sweeney R. The Challenger for Residency Program for Family Medicine Resident Education and Evaluation. Program Director's Workshop. Kansas City, MO. 4/6/2013
Deutchman M. McCarthy J. Who Will Take My Practice Over?Rural Workforce Education Efforts and Programs. Primary Care Update. Spokane, WA. 4/3/2013
Deutchman M, Wildman K. Diagnosis and Management of First Trimester Pregancy Problems. Primary Care Update, Spokane, WA. 4/4/2013
Deutchman M. Report on Study of Rural Tracks in U.S. Medical Schools. National Rural Health Association. Lexington, KY. 5/10/2013
Rural Tracks in U.S. Schools of Medicine
Deutchman M, Nearing K, Baumgarten B, Westfall J. Interdisciplinary Rural Immersion for Professional Students. Journal of Rural and Remote Health. Accepted for publication in 2012; in press.
Walker T, Deutchman M, Ingram B, Walker E, Westfall J. Endoscopy Training in Primary Care:
Innovative Training Program to Increase Access to Endoscopy in Primary Care. Fam Med 2012;44(3):171-7.)
Deutchman ME, Nearking K, Baumgarten B, Westfall JM Interdisciplinary Rural Immersion Week. Rural and Remote Health 12: 2045
Deutchman M. Oral Health education for medical providers using the Smiles for Life National Oral Health Curriculum.
HRSA/AAMC oral health education meeting, Washington DC 9/16/2012
Deutchman M. Oral Health: Disease Management by the Primary Care Team
Physician Assistant Oral Health Summit. Vail, Colorado 9/14/2012
Deutchman M. Obstetric Ultrasound for Certified Nurse Midwives. Denver Colorado 9/20-22/2012
Deutchman M and Gaspar D. Rural Medical Practices Engaging Medical Students and Residents.
Preceptor Conference, Vail CO 9/24/2012
Deutchman M. Obstetric Ultrasound for Nursing Staff at Kaiser Permanente
Denver. CO 10/6/2012
Deutchman M. Oral Health: Disease Management by the Primary Care Team. National Interprofessional Initiative on Oral Health. Leesburg, VA. 10/8/2012
Oral health education and workshop. Physican Assistant Education Assocation. Seattle, WA 11/6-7/2012
Deutchman M. Health Screening Guidelines. School of Dental Medicine CDE meeting. Denver, CO. 11/28/2012
Coonrod, RA, Kelly BF, Ellert W, Loeliger SF, Rodney WM, Deutchman M. Tiered Maternity Care Training in Family Medicine: A Consensus Statement. Accepted for publication in Family Medicine 2011
Deutchman M, Douglass J, Douglass A. The Smiles for Life National Oral Health Curriculum. Accepted for publication in Dental Abstracts, 2011
Rural Tracks in Schools of Medicine. Symposium at STFM meeting, Jacksonville, FL January 31, 2010
Other presenters: Peter G. Beatty, Ph.D. Syracuse, NY James G. Boulger, Ph.D. Duluth, MN
Byron J. Crouse, MD Madison, WI Matt Hunsaker MD, Rockford IL Kelly Smith MD Denver, Colorado
Interdisciplinary Rural Immersion Week Poster at STFM meeting, Jacksonville, FL January 28-29, 2010
First Trimester Bleeding - chapter in Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics manual.
CTSI: Interdisciplinary Rural Immersion Week
International Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics - AAFP International conference 9/11/2009 Broomfield CO
Deutchman M, Tubay AT, Turok D. First trimester bleeding. Accepted for publication in American Family Physician 2009
Gaspar D, Deutchman M. Oral-Dental Health Training for Senior Medical Students: A Medical and Dental School Collaborative Curriculum. STFM Annual Predoctoral Education Conference. Savannah GA, January 23, 2009
Douglass A, Deutchman M, Gonsalves W, Maier, R, Silk H, Tysinger J, Wrightson A. Smiles for Life 2: The STFM National Oral Health Curriculum Second Edition. STFM Annual Predoctoral Education Conference. Savannah GA, January 23, 2009
Douglass AB, Deutchman M, Douglass J, Gonsalves W, Maier R, Silk H, Tysinger J, Wrightson AS. Incorporation of a National Oral Health Curriculum Into Family Medicine Residency Programs. (letter to the editor) Family Medicine 2009;41(3)159-160
Deutchman M, Tubay AT, Turok D. First trimester bleeding. American Family Physician 2009;79(11):985-992, 993-994
Deutchman M. The oral-systemic connection. Chapter in Smiles for Life-2 National Oral Health Curriculum 2008
Deutchman M. The oral, head and neck examination. Chapter in Smiles for Life-2 National Oral Health Curriclulum 2008
Kendall J, Deutchman M, Stahmer S. Emergency and Trauma Ultrasound 3rd edition. Challenger Corporation. Memphis TN. 2008
Deutchman M. The International Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics Program. Family Medicine Global Medicine Conference. Westminster, CO September 5, 2008.
Deutchman M. Westfall J, Smith K. Planning and implementing a medical school track for students interested in rural practice. National AHEC Organization annual meeting Denver, CO June 30, 2008.
Deutchman M, Dresang L, Winslow D. Advanced Life Support in Obstetrics (ALSO®) International Development. Family Medicine October 2007;39:615-619
Roberts RG, Deutchman M, King V, Fryer GE, Miyoshi TJ. Changing Policies on Vaginal Birth after Cesarean: Imact on Access. Birth 2007;34(4)316-322
Chapters on first trimester complications, trauma in pregnancy and ultrasouind in "Family Medicine Obstetrics" - 3rd edition S. Radcliffe editor.
Ahn J, Kendall J, Browne V, Deutchman M, French A, Thiessen M, Madigosky W, Guiton G, Using Ultrasound to Enhance Medical Students’ femoral vascular physical exam skills. J. Ultrasound Med 2015; in press.